Thursday, March 29, 2012

{project 1 and project 2 from my lofty crafty goal}

I promise I have not spent all my time (or even most of my time) working on these two projects. But, working an hour here and an hour there on ten other projects does not produce a lot of instantaneous results. I am pretty excited with how my other projects are coming, but I thought I would give you an update on my lofty crafty goal.

project 1: lavender sachets

For this project, I did have to purchase the dried lavender. I had on hand all of the felted wool, and just used matching embroidery floss from my collection. I only spent around 3-4 hours total, and have 12 lovely smelling sachets! Total out-of-pocket expense: $10.

project 2: tags and labels

This isn't exactly the most glamorous or creative project, but sometimes it is the little things that make all the difference. I already had the Avery name tags, the stamps, and the ink on hand. I did purchase the hang tags for a special need that I will feature below. I spent around a 1/2 hour on these and have 20 hang tags, and 16 labels. Total out-of-pocket expense: $3.

 Both of these crafty projects were used to complete another project: prepare our linens for moving. I have been spending the majority of this week attempting to go through all of our closets and nooks and crannies (I still have tons more to go through!). I tackled our linens this week and washed and dried them all. Tonight I folded them, added a few of the sachets, slipped them in a pillowcase and tied them with some ribbon I found in the closet and labeled everything with one of my new hang tags.

I love the way they came out and know it will be a welcome present to open later!


  1. these are fabulous! Are the labels just printed paper that you cut, or was there a template you used? And how soon are you moving?

  2. The sticky labels are Avery Name Tags, that is the size they come, but I think you can format your printer to print them...I just hand write on them.

    Our moving situation is always up in the air with the Marine Corps, but I don't want to be caught unawares, and there is a LOT that we definitely don't need to pack.
