“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.” — Jack London
Doesn't that quote just make you laugh? While I don't exactly go after inspiration with a club, I do like to always be thinking about that next project, or that next party, or a new touch of personality for my home. It is easy to get lots of inspiration at once {and forget some of it} and then all of a sudden be stuck in a doldrums and feel like you have no original ideas. Today I would like to share my inspiration box with you!
This is just such a fun thing to look through and I hope you will be encouraged to start one! {It is kind of like my "real-life" version of Pinterest, which I don't do}.
My box is from a lovely company called Paper Coterie...check out their May special on Memory Keepers {which is what this box is}! These are just the best boxes, and I wish all of our belongings were not going into storage, because I would order a couple more!
This is also a helpful tool if you are struggling with what colors you personally enjoy. I can pick out my favorites very quickly just by looking at the colors! Maybe it would be fun to take pictures of things around your home to carry with you for color-matching when shopping!
Whenever I go to Pottery Barn classes {and a lot of times they have them around the store}, they hand out lovely handbills of different techniques, some are for decorating, entertaining, gift-giving - just a lot of fun etiquette in one little pamphlet!
I keep a set of markers in my box - just for kicks! You never know when you might need a beautiful marker!
And lastly, I keep this little set in there. My dear friend, Glenda, has a lovely blog, and one of her series was what to do in a rough patch. I added my own pictures to it - and it is just a wonderful reminder when I get stuck.
Thanks for joining me and taking a look through my inspiration box! I hope you create one, too!
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