Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{remembering: part one}

I told you this was my month to reflect and remember. A big part of that is because of Joe.

Joe was a friend I met when I first started attending community college during my junior year of high school. He was funny, wise, and the goofiest, wiriest person I have ever met.
Joe is on the right, with my husband on the left. Typical Joe. 
Today, I am remembering how fun Joe was to be around, how his sense of humor just cracked me up. Just to give you a sense of how goofy Joe was, I would like to share with you a "note" he wrote on his facebook. {please note: this is copied directly from FB as Joe wrote it.}

BOB! go to sleep. - written by Joseph White. November 18, 2008

"at first i considered him a mouse problem (i'm assuming he's a dude mouse because i'm uncomfortable with the thought of sharing the room i get naked in with a female). anyway anyone (even if it is a mouse) who steals cookies that my girlfriend makes for me is a problem. but he just helped himself to them like his mother never taught him manners. so i trapped him under a pillow one night and punched it as hard as i could (it was on my couch and i'd rather get rid of a couch pillow then have mouse guts all over my hand.) i heard something pop and thought it was the mouse but i'm pretty sure it was just my knuckles now because when i lifted the pillow he was no where to be seen. i took it as a sign to leave him alone (well more like i didn't want him thinking i was a problem and bite [me] while i was sleeping at night... well sleeping anytime really i'm not sure why i put at night.. whatever. i have serious ADD) so i named him bob and told him to help himself to MY cookies. i'm such a nice guy. i'm sure bob's forgiven me for trying to turn him into mouse sauce with my fist. at least i hope he has. i am sharing my cookies after all."
I am thinking that an adaptation of this would make a funny children's book. What do you think?

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